Wills & Estates
An estate plan is critical to the organization of an individual’s affairs. A carefully drawn Will achieves the orderly succession of assets while taking into account the most tax effective strategies. Powers of Attorney for Property ensure that the financial and business affairs of the individual will be administered in the event of their absence or disability. Powers of Attorney for Personal Care provide for decision making when the individual is incapable of making appropriate decisions for their own personal care. Our team of estate planners assists individuals to design and implement strategies to effectively dispose of assets during their lifetime or on their death to achieve their goals.
Our lawyers are also experienced in the timely and cost effective administration of estates. We explain the provisions of the Will and guide Estate Trustees in the administration of the estate including the realization of assets, payment of debts, filing of tax returns, and division of assets while ensuring that all legal requirements are met.
At HGR Graham Partners LLP, we also assist clients with estate litigation matters. Our experienced litigation team regularly advises and provides representation to individuals in circumstances where a Will is contested or where a claim is made against an estate. For more information about our estate litigation services, please click here.
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Wills & Estates