Separation Agreements

When parties are unable to come to an agreement on their own with respect to their separation including child support, spousal support, decision-making for children, parenting time, and property division, they can look to the court to seek judicial input on the matter. Separation agreements are legally binding contracts between parties that can deal with any of support, decision-making for the children, parenting time, and property division. Our team of family law lawyers can assist you in negotiating and preparing a thorough Separation Agreement that addresses the complex issues that arise following a separation.

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Separation Agreements

    Meet HGR Graham's Family Lawyers

    • Michael Chan

      Michael Chan


      Phone: 705.737.1249 ext. 180

      Email: Michael Chan

      Meet Michael Chan

    • Victoria Hanton

      Victoria Hanton


      Phone: 705.737.1249 ext. 167

      Email: Victoria Hanton

      Meet Victoria Hanton

    • Wendy Miller

      Wendy Miller


      Phone: 705.737.1811 ext. 128

      Email: Wendy Miller

      Meet Wendy Miller

    • Anna Pilon

      Anna Pilon


      Phone: 705.526.2232 ext. 279

      Email: Anna Pilon

      Meet Anna Pilon

    "Expedient, personal, and pleasant to deal with"

    "Good service, easy to work with"

    "Extremely happy with the service provided"

    "Your service was excellent and very efficient"

    "Top notch service. No improvement necessary"

    "Good service, friendly approach"

    "They’re efficient and do a great job"


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