
Selling real property is a significant personal and financial decision and can be complicated to navigate. At HGR Graham Partners LLP, we have a wide breadth of experience assisting sellers and we facilitate hundreds of residential sales for our clients each year. Whether you are selling a home, an investment property, or a cottage, we can provide you with the legal advice and guidance necessary to navigate the real estate sale transaction from start to finish. From our initial review of your agreement to coordinating closing, we will keep you informed every step of the way, and we will always be available to address your questions and concerns.

Our real estate lawyers will protect your interests and correspond with the buyer’s lawyer on your behalf throughout the transaction process. We will arrange for a discharge of any outstanding mortgages and facilitate the transfer of funds from the buyer on closing.

Request an Appointment for your Sales needs


    Meet HGR Graham's Sales Lawyers

    • Sean Ainley

      Sean Ainley


      Phone: 705.526.2232 ext. 227

      Email: Sean Ainley

      Meet Sean Ainley

    • Kellie Beasley

      Kellie Beasley


      Phone: 705.327.6656 ext. 314

      Email: Kellie Beasley

      Meet Kellie Beasley

    • Jillian Brazda

      Jillian Brazda


      Phone: 705.737.1249 ext. 127

      Email: Jillian Brazda

      Meet Jillian Brazda

    • Chrisandra Firth

      Chrisandra Firth


      Phone: 705.327.6656 ext. 334

      Email: Chrisandra Firth

      Meet Chrisandra Firth

    • Michael Hanton

      Michael Hanton


      Phone: 705.737.1249 ext. 123

      Email: Michael Hanton

      Meet Michael Hanton

    • Christine Manners

      Christine Manners


      Phone: 705.327.6656 ext. 323

      Email: Christine Manners

      Meet Christine Manners

    • Joshua Matson

      Joshua Matson


      Phone: 705.737.1249 ext. 175

      Email: Joshua Matson

      Meet Joshua Matson

    • Wendy Miller

      Wendy Miller


      Phone: 705.737.1811 ext. 128

      Email: Wendy Miller

      Meet Wendy Miller

    • Richard Moran

      Richard Moran


      Phone: 705.526.2232 ext. 290

      Email: Richard Moran

      Meet Richard Moran

    • Jennifer Parker

      Jennifer Parker


      Phone: 705.549.6060 ext. 474

      Email: Jennifer Parker

      Meet Jennifer Parker

    • Suzanne Poole

      Suzanne Poole


      Phone: 705.549.6060 ext. 437

      Email: Suzanne Poole

      Meet Suzanne Poole

    • Paul Rabinovitch

      Paul Rabinovitch


      Phone: 705.737.1811 ext. 134

      Email: Paul Rabinovitch

      Meet Paul Rabinovitch

    • John Walker

      John Walker

      Managing Partner

      Phone: 705.526.2232 ext. 226

      Email: John Walker

      Meet John Walker

    • Stephanie Yeo

      Stephanie Yeo


      Phone: 705.526.2232 ext. 276

      Email: Stephanie Yeo

      Meet Stephanie Yeo

    "Expedient, personal, and pleasant to deal with"

    "Good service, easy to work with"

    "Extremely happy with the service provided"

    "Your service was excellent and very efficient"

    "Top notch service. No improvement necessary"

    "Good service, friendly approach"

    "They’re efficient and do a great job"


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